SMART WEBINAR ON DEMAND Lessons Learned from COVID-19: Optimizing Monitoring and Treatment for a Better Outcome

 SMART WEBINAR ON DEMAND<br>Lessons Learned from COVID-19: Optimizing Monitoring and Treatment for a Better Outcome

The COVID-19 crisis is lingering. First responders and care teams are on the front lines, working directly with patients and health authorities to contain the spread and treat vulnerable patients—while protecting their own wellbeing and that of their families.

In this webinar, doctors across Europe will share their experience at different stages of the care pathway with innovative solutions that helped their care teams minimize transmission risks and increase clinician and patient safety.

Masimo supports surge capacity efforts with a range of noninvasive monitoring and ancillary single-use solutions that can help care teams prepare for and manage an influx of patients quickly and efficiently. At Masimo, we are committed to supporting the needs of the medical community—for the benefit of care teams and patients alike.

Modalità di Iscrizione

Iscrizione e Registrazione on-line
L’iscrizione al webinar è gratuita.
Le iscrizioni dovranno essere effettuate on-line ai siti
Il Webinar è a numero chiuso e prevede un massimo di n. 500 partecipanti.
Al raggiungimento del numero prefissato non verranno più accettate iscrizioni.

Durata totale:Dal 10/05/2021 al 21/03/2022

Informazioni aggiuntive

Segreteria organizzativa

Questo evento è organizzato da Start Promotion Srl

Indirizzo: Via Mauro Macchi 50
20124 - Milano (Mi)

Telefono: 0267071383

Fax: 0267072294
